Monday, December 8, 2008

Who needs a job anyways?

So just the other day I was sitting at work.... like always just waiting for someone to come in. When all of the sudden... someone came in! (LOL) But this wasn't a normal customer, it was our bosses boss. And thats when I (we, my co-workers)found out that as of December 26th they will no longer be leasing our facility. Well basicly that just boiled down to them letting us know that we were being "layed off" (normal people call it fired). So I have started looking for a job and if you know of anything good out there just let me know! (april, I know what your thinking...) But since Austin will be on winter break durring this time I just figured who needs a job now anyways? Could be a fun couple weeks!

1 comment:

April Fletcher said...

Yes know what I am thinking...I am thinking it is time to visit us in Arkansas!
Enjoy the time off...and be picky about the next and Austin are having good luck at finding "laid back" jobs...Keep it up the good work! And when you do visit...I will ask my boss to give me some time off :)!